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خانه news Smart system for continuous online monitoring of polymerization reactions

Smart system for continuous online monitoring of polymerization reactions

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continuous online monitoring of polymerization reactions

PolymPart: Testa Analytical Solutions e.K reports on the development and supply of key detector components for ACOMP, a smart manufacturing system by Fluence Analytics that continuously analyzes polymers during production.

continuous online monitoring of polymerization reactions

ACOMP is an automated monitoring system that produces real-time data about reaction kinetics and polymer properties, including residual monomer, monomer conversion, polymer composition, molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity.

Carlo Dessy, Managing Director of Testa Analytical said:

Fluence Analytics is a pioneering developer of novel analytics solutions for optimizing the efficiency and quality of polymer and biopharmaceutical production.  Fluence Analytics selected us to to develop rapid scanning UV and differential refractive index detectors for ACOMP. Unlike many OEM projects we have worked on, this was not a chromatographic application. There is no separation involved. With the requirement for detection at higher flow rates, we had to adapt our standard UV and differential refractive index detectors. We also had to write new software for this polymerization monitoring application.”

TESTA Analytical is a highly respected manufacturer of refractive index and UV detectors with an impressive record of designing innovative solutions to target challenging applications. TESTA Analytical’s support has enabled Fluence Analytics to help customers increase polymer yields, quality and consistency, optimize process control, and reduce cycle times and material usage.”


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